March 22, 1992
Oh joy! Well, Spring break is officially over and it's back to school time already. I guess I haven't written since Tuesday, so almost a week has gone by and I've done a lot of stuff. Wednesday was very busy! Opinionated and I finished our Kodak campaign for Ad/Copy Layout Lab. It looked really good and we presented it in front of the class. We dressed up like Bart, Homer and Marge Simpson. It was really pretty funny. I hope we get a good grade. On peer evaluations I gave Opinionated an A and I gave Harry a C because he really didn't do any work. I hope he doesn't get too pissed off!
Anyway, I didn't do much after that. I had a beer or two. I went to bed about 1:00am and I had to get up at 3:00am to go to Dallas with Cherie and Christy. Well, things got messed up and they didn't come until like 5:00am. Then we got a little lost and instead of getting to Dallas at 1:00pm like we were supposed to, we got there at 1:30pm! Whee! Anyway, we were down there for an Ad League convention. I didn't know what group I was supposed to be in so I wound up going on tours to the wrong places. I went to Storer Cable of Dallas. It was OK, but I don't think I learned much. We had a reception later that night. I caught a serious buzz from all of the free drinks. I talked to a lot of people and had fun, I guess. Then a lot of us went to Dallas Alley on the West End and went to a bar called Alley Cats. It was a weird piano bar where two dueling pianists sang dirty limericks and other songs. I got entirely too drunk. Rob kept singing these Christmas songs in a country voice. It was hilarious! I felt bad the next day, but at least I got in the right group. We went to Image Matrix, Inc. in Dallas and it was kick ass. Then we ate at some Mexican place... Mercado Juarez, I believe. Then we went to Young Country radio station. It was pretty cool. I wouldn't mind getting into the radio business someday... somehow. Then that night I sat in the hotel room at the DoubleTree Inn on Central Expressway. I walked to Mr. Gatti's and got a mushroom/pepperoni pizza and ate it in the room and watched TV all night. Fred, the guy I roomed with from Arkansas, went out with his girlfriend.
The next day, I skipped the morning meeting, packed my shit and caught a ride to Valley View Mall where Jerry and Chris and little (Lyle: The Effeminate heterosexual) picked me up. Those Chi-O's and Pi-Phi's piss me off. I'll discuss it later. Anyway, we went and got some "cold beer" - to quote Chris- and they charged me what is known as "SIN TAX" on my Coors Dry, which I might add is still in the test market and probably won't come to Arkansas for a long, long time! It's pretty good. Then that night we all went to Dallas Alley and to Gator's, another piano bar type place. Chris' girlfriend Suzanne and her friend Chelle showed up. They were not having a good time with us. Then the fun began. For dinner, Jerry, Kelly, Chris, Lyle and I went to a Bennigan's. It was close to St. Patrick's Day and we were getting all this free stuff from our waitress. It came time to tip, and chincy Lyle opted to only give 12%. It's his prerogative, I suppose, but it looks bad reflected on us as a group, I think. Then we went to Dallas Alley (I'm trying to get this all in the right order so please forgive me!) and sat at a little table outside. The waitress came by and Jerry and I ordered beers at $2.75 a pop! That bites! Steven (Lyle) ordered a Tom Collins and asked the waitress how much it cost. Here's the dialogue.... beginning with Lyle!
"How much is a Tom Collins?"
"OK, I'll have that then!"
(moments later)
"Here you go sir!"
"Here's $3.75!"
"Oooh... I'm sorry but the bar won't take quarters."
"Well then how am I supposed to pay for it?"
"How about with that ten?"
"Hey, are you gonna tip me?"
"Why not?"
"Because I think you're rules are stupid!"
"Oh, so you're gonna take it out on me because you don't like the bar rules. I work for tips! I need the money!"
"Well, I'll think about it next time."
"Oh, I can't wait to come back to this table!"
"She's lucky I didn't throw my drink in her face!"
The moral of the story, if there is one, is that you should be cool to your waitress. Don't throw a temper tantrum in public, especially when you're 24-years-old! That's INSANE!
Anyway, we made it back to Fayetteville on Sunday after an eventful ride with good 'ol Lyle! Anyway, my dad came and picked me up in Fayetteville and we drove back to Little Rock. I shopped a bit, saw Cape Fear and Freejack at the dollar movie. I saw The Lawnmower Man with Opinionated. It really sucked. I met her friend Danielle, too. Then on Friday I had a date with Lady. We played video games at the mall and then saw Wayne's World. Then we went back to her house and watched Saturday Night Live on tape with Jason Priestley hosting. It was funny. I had a great time with her. I didn't kiss her when I left either. I dunno! I'm just shy, I guess. Maybe next time! Well, the new Cure single came out called "High." I like it! It came out on the 19th. The entire tape comes out on April 17th, I hear. Anyway.
Meanwhile!! I got a car after selling the ol' Diesel Toyota! I got an '84 Nissan Maxima. It's really a good car. It runs! I'm so excited. Lady's birthday is tomorrow. I'm gonna get her something, but I don't know what it's gonna be yet. I still haven't got a Chia Pet, dammit! My dad had to put $100 in my account last night because I'm overdrawn like $65! Shit-ass! I love that phrase: Shit-ass. You can be a "Shit-ass" (I like that one the best) or it can be an exclamation like: "Shit-ass!" I dunno. Just a mere smidget of philosophy.
My poodle Nicholas peed on me at home this weekend. Opinionated came over and my dog would just not stop barking so I rubbed it's tummy and it shot a well-aimed stream of urine on me. Uggh! Nasty! Meanwhile, Opinionated couldn't stop laughing! Well, today I need to clean my room, read my OB, see what graphics I have due, clean my car, go to chapter, practice ritual. We initiate on Friday! Whee! I also have to go home and help my family move into their new house on Saturday. Oh joy! Oh, back to the story... Man, I can't stand some of those bitches sometimes. Man, Cherie and them are just weird. They are on a totally different wavelength. A lot of people here are. Sometime I feel like I just don't fit in! (Sympathize, please!) Anyway. Ooh, Shit! One of them is in here right now! Well, anyway. I gotta jet out and go eat lunch at the house. Later on! That's INSANE!!!!
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