June 15, 1993
Oh, Lord! Can it get any worse! Some asswipe backed into my parked car at El Chico! Christ! One more reason to get the hell out of here. Western Merch. still has not contacted me. Maybe I will call right now! Damn, I cannot find her number! Lord. The adjuster is supposed to come and look at my car tomorrow so I can go get estimates. Whee! What a nuisance. Well, I'm having a couple of beers to calm myself down. I'm listening to an old KRFA tape from my DJ days at UA. It's got Canuck as Santa Claus. It's hilarious! Well, that's it for now. My mom is on her way to Wichita today. I've got to get out of here.
Lord...it got worse! Some asswipe at El Chico decided he was waiting too long on his food and just got up and left! No tip, NADA! What a fucker! Anyway, I made about $41 tonight so it was worth it. I have about $215 saved up. Rent is coming up in 15 days so I'd better hurry and make the cash! I'm listening to Beauty and the Beast while I type. I guess it's kinda soothing. Maybe I'll type some more on my Maple Man saga. Later. Oh, the adjuster is coming Thursday to look at my vehicle. Little town... it's a quiet village!