June 14, 1993
Man! I miss Disney with an immortal passion! No, not the Disney name like I had previously thought. I'm talkin' Orlando, Florida PROPER! Man! I'm playin' a tape I made from a radio station down there and I'm getting nostalgic. Why the hell shouldn't I move there?! I belong down there! I had THE best time of my life there. The end-all-beat-all best time! I think it's time to make some decisions in my life. I have to quit the Disney Store. It's pissin' me off. I don't like it. I've already had someone cover my shift for me on Wednesday because I hate it so much. Actually, I don't mind El Chico. It's kinda OK. I make more money, plus I like the people more. This Western Merch. chick still hasn't called me back. What's up with that?!
I talked to C-Line tonite. Her and Julie are plannin' on going to Fla. for the 4th of July and by God I'm goin'! It's my calling... the more I think about it! What am I accomplishing here? Jack shit! That's what! I'll never be happy here. Fuck! Maybe C-Line will move down there and we can room together or something. Damn! I just have to get there!....(If your name's not Dan... you're not comin' in!!)
Well, tomorrow is El Chico again. I don't like people that put me down for the way I wait tables. I have to be fake. Man, it's not like me to not have self-confidence. Ok, my goal is to get the hell out of here by September. I'll tell Western Merch. that I can't start until the 10th of July or something so I can go to Orlando. Fuck!!!!!!
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