June 13, 1992
Man, I just got back from seein' Jurassic Park, and it was scary! Damn! It was worth $11!! Lady and I went cuz I got off work early. I only made like $30 for the entire day. Oh well, that's the same as a 7 hour shift at Disney. I still haven't heard back from the Western Merch. chick and it's already Sunday. Lady got me an answering machine so maybe I won't miss her call. I have a letter with $.23 due on it at the post office. Damn! I wonder what it is?! I guess I'll pick it up before work tomorrow. I'm supposed to go pick up some crap from the house tomorrow. My mom is moving to Wichita with everyone else and I'll be here all alone. How sad. Well, gotta type up my schedule for next week. I have but $160 towards next month's rent. So, I guess I'm $190 shy of that...$100 shy of electricity...and $50 shy of the phone! So, I'm in debt $440. Ungadooha!
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