July 15, 1993
Well, hot damn. Another month flew by without me writing. So, the events at hand are as follows: I will be an assistant manager at the Disney Store in Memphis, but the question is when? I talked with my manager, Janet, and the district manager, Sandy. Sandy told me March, but Janet said something about October. It's all so confusing. My brother came into town this week. He's staying with a friend for a few weeks, and then they are going to New Orleans. I'm goin' to Nashville for a few days in August to see my good friend Laura. We might go to Panama Beach or sumpthin'. Lady is at an interview for Systematics right now. Meanwhile, I'm on hold with the good people at Apple. My printer was fuckin' up and all I did was install the driver again and now it works fine. How odd, eh?! Well, I poured juice on my keyboard awhile back and it got all sticky. I rinsed it out with water and I think it's OK. I'm tired of El Chico, man! It sucks. My rent is about to go up so I think I'm gonna have to opt for the 6 month lease. Well, life is pretty redundant so I will write as things progress. I got the U2 Zooropa CD. I like it OK, except for that damn Johnny Cash song. Laterness!
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