July 29, 1993
Oh, Lord! There's so little to report, but I'll try to make it sound interesting anyway. Hold on....OK. I'm recording some stuff off CD onto tapes, and for a very good reason. Finally... finally, I'm getting to see Laura instead of just talking to her. I'm goin' to Nashville on the 11th of August! Yippee! So, I'm making these tapes to make the drive a little less boring.
On the 8th of this month, I'm goin' to the Spin Doctors gig at the Riverfront with Soul Asylum and Screaming Trees. Tickets were two for $18. What a deal! Anyway, then on the 10th, I'm goin' to see Duran Duran with C-Line (from Disney). What a blast. She just broke up with Marshall, her boyfriend, and she's depressed. This will cheer her up. The next day, I cruise up to Nashville and then from there we are going to Panama City Beach for a couple-a days. Heather from Michigan (and Disney) is coming down too. Whee! So, I have an adventurous end of summer planned. Then, Psycho is coming down in September on his leave. We may go to New Orleans. We really haven't decided yet. Man, it was a bitch getting his sorry ass phone number in Castle AFB. I had to go through his stepmom. It wasn't pleasant.
Anyway, still I am waiting for The Disney Store's earnest reply about possible career affixation. Meanwhile, I merely exist as I wait tables and cast member. Things will change. I decided that if I had a million dollars, I wouldn't work altogether. I would move to Orlando and do some pissy minimum wage job just to be down there. Maybe that's how you have to look at things in life. It is short.. I guess. I'm only 22, and what have I done. Lot's of shit, that's what! I got out of school... I got an apartment! Damn! I can even pay the bills. I'm all paid up except for the phone thing! Now I have $150 on the side. Lady and I are going to Memphis or Branson on Saturday. Something interesting I hope! I want to see something I've never seen before. I'm tired of the mundane. I need something to feed my extrovert-self. I want to be Batman. In the comics, Bruce Wayne is paralyzed, and now John Paul Valley (Azreal) is the substitute Batman. Batman #500 comes out next month. It should be weird.
So, it's always 100 degrees here in lovely Little Rock. Heat indexes climb to 110. It's sad. And I have to kiss ass to freaks all day at El Chico. I just can't put myself in the shoes of the customer. They come in wanting fast service. Fast food. Well, my amigo, Taco Bell's that way! I'm about to give up on trying to have a conversation with the people. They're (as I said before) ... freaks!
Lady's sister moved in to the apartments next door. Vintage Point, I believe. Her friend Angela is pretty nice. Oh well. My other Disney friend Angela has gone off to Montreal to see her boyfriend and then off to Disney for her fellowship thing. I don't hear from many other people. Opie Jeffries is in Stillwater.. still. Eskimo Joes had a birthday bash, but it's too far for me to drive there. Drewcifer is still in law school. Currently, he is cooking pizza's at Little Caesar's in Ft. Smith.
My spelling is atrocious. Where do I get off. Some journalism major I am! Well, I gots to go to bed now. Laterness.