February 26, 1992
It's noon and I just got back from the university library. I typed my internship application and it's almost finished. It's due on March 1st so I have some time. We still have no cook at the fraternity house. This makes over two weeks now! Remember, seven days makes a hole weak. I learned that one when I went to Fort Worth a couple of weekends ago!
Why am I typing this and why did I wait until now to begin this? I really couldn't say! I needed to start it back in high school, but my level of zeal wasn't very high, and I think now am doing it out of boredom. I have Advanced Public Relations in about 20 minutes, so I am killing a little time. It's a chilly day outside, but nice.
I'm very displeased with the fraternity house right now. We are on probation due to grades and morale is way down. I'm a senior now, and I'm very apathetic to the goings on of the house. I was confronted very awkwardly yesterday evening by our resident faggot and alumni advisor, Stee-Wee. He is concerned about my alcohol intake. He rarely drinks and perhaps he doesn't realize the novelty of being 21 (finally). Who knows? Who cares? He suggested that I voluntarily enroll myself in a Charter Vista-like program and get help. I do not feel like I am an alcoholic! But, denial is the first phase. What a stupid no-win oxymoranical mind-frame. Anyway, I will cut-down for myself, and no one else.
I am very broke due to the cook situation. I'm going to Mardi Gras Thursday night with Jeff, my old roommate, Scotty Play, Ogle and Gibbs. I can't afford it, but I'm going for the sake of experience. My car is also dead so Jeff is driving. I have/had a Toyota Corolla Diesel Sedan. The thing really sucked and it rattled like a motherfucker. I'm glad to see it go, but now I have no transportation.
It's a simple equation, as far as my present status goes. No cook=no money+no car=no dates. I have a few good leads right now, and friends are really important.
Well, class is about to begin.
On Monday we all met at Hoffbrau Steakhouse and "did lunch." It was fun because I had never been there before and I enjoyed the company. I had to drive Pastey's VW Beetle to the place due to my lack o' car!
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