Man, it's payday today, and I really need that check. Well, what has happened lately since I wrote last Wednesday. Homer, Opinionated and I almost have our project finished for the Kodak Weekend 25 disposable-waterproof camera. Or should I say Opinionated and I almost have it done. We worked all day Sunday on it and most of the day Monday. Homer has done very little on it and it is due tomorrow at
I left Organizational Behavior early today. I got a 56% on my second test. I guess I will be dropping that one. I got an 83% on the first one, I just didn't study for this one much at all. I dunno!
Xanax, my Advanced PR teacher, liked my story about the Cross-Eyed Queen. In fact, she read it aloud to the class. I think I already wrote about that, but I 'm not sure. I'm going to Dumb Tit's as soon as I meet Homer and Opinionated at
We're going to
A cold front came through. I was on the roof of the house listening to the Razorback game and drinking some Bud Light Saturday, and I got sun burned. Now three days later it's 23 degrees? How insane! Well, I think I'm getting in good with Lady... I dunno! We had a party Friday night with a sorority from
Anyway, she called back Sunday night and we talked for about a half an hour. She is pretty cool, I think. She is going to
I got thrown out of chapter last night because I was too talkative... imagine! Anyway, I made it without going to E.C. for once, and I'm off kitchen crew because no one showed up to help me last night. Did I mention I caught a girl pissing in the urinal Friday night? Well, I did. It was pretty funny.
Spring Break starts on Friday... oh joy of joys! Tomorrow is my last day of classes for the week due to the trip on Thursday. Schwing! I still want to see The Lawnmower Man by Stephen King. It's out in
The Cure is supposed to put out a new single next week called "Wish" or "High" or something like that. Who knows? I bought another U2 single called "One." I couldn't get tickets to the "Zoo TV" concert in
It looks like I may not be able to go bowling tonight. I have a meeting about the Ad Club trip at
The circus was a flop, I hear. Like it was in somebody's garage or something. Oh well, if Lady couldn't go, I didn't want to go anyway! Welp, I'm gonna do a spell check and mosey on do some more priority-stricken events. I can't forget to pick up my check! Laterness!