Friday, September 5, 2008

Back to Reality...

March 3, 1992

I can't believe it's already 3:15pm. I skipped Organizational Behavior this morning. That class is so dull, and the people in there have the IQ of Corky on Life Goes On. I have a test in there on Thursday so I will begin studying tonight.

The LSU game is tonight but I really don't know if I want to go or not. I'd just assume sell my ticket and have the money. I have a little presentation in Ad/Copy layout tomorrow so I need to shuffle off to the library and see what damage I can do. I just got out of Graphics. We had a huge lab to do. I didn't know if I was going to get it finished or not. I did.

I talked to Dumb Tits for about 3 hours last night about just about everything. I also went to the pep rally with Opinionated. We saw Lady there. We have a date function at the circus in Springdale Sunday night. I need to find a date. I haven't been to the cool circus in a long time.

I had to go to E.C. last night because I got back from Mardi Gras later than 10pm and that's the rules. A $10 fine if you don't come back by 10pm every single Sunday night. That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard of! I'm getting really sick of that fraternity and living in the house. Grrrrrr! I need/want an apartment so bad I could have monkey's fly out my butt! Massive. Well, I have a few things to do today so I'd best get to it. Yipee!

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