Saturday, December 5, 2009

Stop the presses, who's that?

September 28, 1992

Well, tonight was my first night to go to chapter in awhile. It was still the same ol' cluster-fuck it always is! It's about 10:00 p.m. and I just got back from José's cuz it's Opinionated's 21st birthday. I kinda took a "me" day mydamnself. I slept until 10:30 a.m. My Promo. Strat. class is at 9:30 a.m., and I thought I missed it. Little did I know that it was canceled today!

I got up, picked up my check from City (Shitty) Liquor ($60.50), cashed it and went to Hastings to buy B-Day cards for Opinionated, Laura and Heather. Then I went to the mall and bought Harry Connick, Jr. 20 and some silly Batman theme song CD. Whee! I wanted to buy "Letter to Elise" by the Cure, but no one had it in! Damn! Anyway, then I messed around the mall, bought a Batman annual, looked at a Batman mask that I wanted, put some cash in the bank, washed my car, bought a salad at Subway, bought some stamps, did some studying, watched Batman: The Animated Series, ate dinner, went to chapter, went to AA (I brought ol' Canada along), went to José's and now I'm here! There are an assload of people waiting to get on these Mac's, so I'm takin' my dear, sweet time. My knee is kinda buggin' so I may go to the infirmary tomorrow. That's about all I gotta say for now! Hasta, buddy!

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