October 4, 1992
Aggh! Well, I suppose it's Sunday again! Time to see what happened since last week! Not a lot, I guess. I got a lousy 78% on my Promotional Strategy test. I didn't study too hard for it so I guess it's par for the course, eh?! I also got a 76% on my Interpersonal Communication test! I tried to use the force, but to no avail!
Well, it was a good week at work! I worked on Wednesday with Blake and we stole, and stole, and stole some more! I got out with two cases of beer, two big bottles of Jack Daniel's (one of which I sold for $14), a bottle of 100 proof Smirnoff and a thing of Kahlua! Hot damn! Brandon, another guy working there got fired for stealing cuz I guess he got sloppy! Who knows!?
I missed the Georgia Homecoming game here cuz I had to work with shitty Joan. She tried telling me some stuff about life and I tuned her out. I never really listen to her, anyway! I was late to work cuz the damned University shuts off traffic for the game! After the game, I went to Powerhouse Seafood with Lady, Sister, Royace and Opionionated. We had a good time and the food was kinda expensive.
My dad was in town the other night when we had our Hogwild party with the AD Pi's. We ate Kirby's and then I showed him around town. He saw Maple Man, the crazy guy that walks Maple St. and sleeps in Vol Walker's bathroom! Eeekk! I also got the new Peter Gabriel CD. It's alright! Only 14 more days until U2 comes to KanCity! I think I have the Saturday off before the concert. Lady and I might go get a hotel or sumpthin'!
I've been trying to work on my Career Services packet for a while now and I'm not makin' much progress. I have it all typed in on the disk, I juts can't get it to print out! Aggh! So, I think I'm going home on Friday. Lady wants to cook dinner for me. Then I'll be back on Saturday in time for work! Whee! Haw! I have about 20 hours this week. That means $100! Yes! Schwing! The new REM CD is supposed to come out soon, also. It's nice to have money. I'm $512 ahead, right now. I have to pay my ticket in Louisiana, though, too.
Anyway, I've been thinking about typing a short-story about Maple Man. I need to research it a bit first though. Gosh, I haven't been home since August. Jennifer and I are partners for this Editing project. I found out my GPA is 2.36 and my major GPA is 2.65. Kinda shitty, eh?! Oh well. If I can't get a job, I'm hauling ass back to Disney! I can always drive the monorails or clean up EPCOT! Whee!
Well, time to do a big spellchecker on this. I think I'm nearing almost 20,000 words on this journal. Not bad for 8 months! I need to buy a Mac!
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