I'm Puddy.
These ponderings traverse 16 years of reflection. All stories are true and names have been changed to protect the retarded. Any similarities to persons living or pushing daises is purely intentional.
Sunday, January 31, 2010
You can throw it up, or choke on it.
November 5, 1992
Well, Mac Daddy, it's the day before my birthday and I figured it was time to do a little journalistic writing in the ol' journal.Man, it's almost been a month since I've typed on this thing.Anyway, lot's has happened!Whee!October 18th I went to Kansas City, Mo., with Lady.We stayed at the Embassy Suites and ate at the GoJo Japanese restaurant.It was awesome.We had the best time.It was unbelievable!Then the next night we went to the U2 concert at Arrowhead Stadium.It was freezing outside, but it was an excellent show.Zoo TV tour 1992.Anyway, Opinionated, Royace, Cawdrey and Carla were all there.I was a bit drunk and kept falling down all over the place. Lady wound up driving home because I threw up after eating Taco Bell.Man, there was rice in the chicken burrito!Blech!I felt bad because I slept the entire 4 hours home.We pulled over at a Pizza Hut and on the Interstate to sleep periodically.We went to the KC Zoo that day too and there was a big orangutan that threw a rock and ice at me.We saw some sea lions too.Well, tomorrow is my birthday and I'm throwin' a big bash with alcohol I have stolen from work.I have to go to court tomorrow because I sold to a minor.I am not really worried about it right now.I need to figure out what to do.I got sick this morning in the shower, I don't know why.I feel kinda shitty.I had an interpersonal test today and I think I did OK.Right now I am starving so I am going to go to the house before I get sick again.I feel it coming on.
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