May 21, 1993
Yeah, it's Friday! Well, I got my DM singles. $36! Damn! I also put my deposit down on my apartment. Let's see... I have $800 in the bank. Rent is $350, so that's $450 left. I have about $100 in bills... that's $350 left. Electricity deposit is $150... that's $200 left. SHIT! I'm gonna be broke. I have got to save every penny I make in the next week. Ok, I have $25 in hand, plus $85 in coins. That's $110 and that's it! Thank God for my credit card. Whee!
Well, I got a meeting set up for Monday morning with this lady, Carol Davis, of Holmes, Davis and Hoffman PR. It should get me somewhere! I have to be really excited! I am! If this doesn't work for me, I'm calling Western Merchandisers. If that doesn't work, it's off to Disney! Whee!
I move in to my apartment on the 2nd. My brother graduates on the 1st. Yowza! I've been packing a bit, but to not much avail. I have about 10 days before I go. I want to be moved in before I go off to Dallas . What a trip we will have! I have a check waiting for me at Disney, and I get paid this Tuesday at El Chico. So I will have 3 Disney checks waiting for me at about $45 each before Dallas . Also, I have to get a VCR and phone for my apartment. How broke can I possibly be. It's fun to complain about being broke.
The last Cheers was on last night. It was pretty good. I think everyone in America watched it. El Chico got this new Zima clear malt liquor drink. I hate it, but it's a fad so people buy it. I got back to the hole in an hour. We have no food in the house so I may go buy something. No, gotta save the cash! Oh bother. This is suckin! I have tomorrow afternoon off, so I think I'm going to go to Otter Creek and lay out with my sweetie. See ya! The last Saved by the Bell is on tomorrow night. I'd better record it!
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