June 9, 1993
Christ, it's been awhile! Well, time for a wrap-up! I went to my brother's graduation. I moved into my apartment on the 2nd of June and I'm all moved in with my new cordless phone and a little food. I went to an El Chico party a few nights ago. I got really drunk and puked and felt shitty the next day, as usual when I get smashed.
Lady and I went to Dallas last weekend and spent time at Six Flags and at the malls. I think I'd like to live there. My allergies got the best of me and I got really stuffy in the head so we couldn't go to Wet N' Wild and ride the Bubba Tub! Anyway, I needed the break from El Chico and Disney. I had an interview with Western Merchandisers the other day. I hope I get it! Man, I'm writing very blandly! I guess it's because I'm not happy. I miss Walt Disney World and all my friends. The Disney Store doesn't cut it. We just got a new store manager. She's good, but I still don't like Tim, the asst. manager. He's queer and weird. I like El Chico more because the people have better personalities and are more "real". Plus I get more money. I sure need it!
I saw Jerry Seinfeld the other day. It was really good. I laughed forever. If I get this Western Merch. job, I will start writing again. I just want to stop watching life go by and start participating, ya know?! I miss Laura in Nashville especially. I need to go visit soon. Caroline says she's going to Orlando in a month. I would LOOOVVE to go. But it all depends on this job thing! Damn! I need freedom. Why can't I be independently wealthy!? Oh well.
I open El Chico tomorrow at 10:15am so I best be gettin' to bed, my friend. The Bulls beat the Suns tonite. It may be a three-pat. Lady's parents and my mom and brother came over tonite for spaghetti and conversation. It was the first time they've met. It wasn't so bad. Well, gotta blow!
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