Thursday, July 8, 2010

'scuze me, mees, would you like en encheelatha?

May 1, 1993

Well, didn't wind up going to the Reggae thing. I'm really bored with life right now. My mom is bugging the living shit out of me. My dad bought a house in Wichita and she's freaking out. She always asks me if something’s wrong. Hell yes, something's wrong. I live at home, I'm 22 and I work as a peon in a Mexican restaurant. I didn't go to college 4 years for this! I guess I'm just waiting for Lady to finish school so we can get married or sumpthin'! I don't know what I'm doing. I'm scared if I do what I want to do, which is work for Disney, she'll leave me cuz she hates long distance... even for a short time. My dad is still trying to wing me a job through one of his employees. I hope it works. If not, I still would like to move down to Orlando and get a job doing something. Even if it is just a monorail job. I just always hoped for something better.

I'm getting tired of hanging around Leah, too. I miss Lady a lot. I just always want to be with her and Leah is no substitute. She's nice and all, but she's 12 years older than I am! We just don't have much in common.

Jenny and Tommy at work just got married last night and my brother had his prom last night, too. I think he got in at like 6:00am. He went with Denise. I don't know if they are dating or not. I don't know much, these days. I know I am so ready to move out that it's almost ridiculous! My room is a shitpit and I don't care! I have no room to put anything, so I just let everything I own sit on the floor. The Disney Store is getting old, too. Well, it's May. I will move out in June. Meanwhile, I keep getting the Dallas Morning News in hopes of a want ad designed for me! Agggh! Well, I think the mailman is here and I have to take a shit. I will call Lady and see how she did on her test this morning. And I will tell her Monica Seles (the tennis player) got stabbed in the back yesterday. How queer.

Where you be goin' wit dat purse, sistah?

April 21, 1993

Oh well, here it is Wednesday again! I worked at Disney all morning and all afternoon, and then it was on to El Chico for the infamous enchilada night. It sucked, but I got $40 in tips.

Anyway, after Disney, about 5:15pm, I saw a black woman running from two white guys. She was stealing something, a purse, I think. They tackled her and then some dopey security guard came along to assist. I left. No witness forms for me to fill out, by Jove! I got to El Chico and Jason the new server didn't show up so I had to take his tables. I was slammed! Anyway, my manager Robin, got pissed cuz I couldn't pre-bus my tables. Sooorrrryyyy!

CAS came into the Disney Store and into El Chico today. I haven't seen her in a few weeks. It's good to know people exist outside of my work environment.

Well, Lady and I are arguing. She's going to one of my frat parties with Roy. She doesn't understand why I am upset. Well, tough titty for her. I pulled out my bottle of Crown and now I'm listening to my Disney CD's and typing away as I anxiously await Speed Racer at 12:00am. Tonite is the exciting conclusion of The Most Dangerous Race. How thrilling. Studs is on in a few; I think I'll pass.

Well, that's all I have to say. I think Leah and I are going to try to catch the Reggae night out at BJ's on Sunday. I want to go the U2 laser thing at UALR, but I'm always working. Grrr! But the cash is rolling in! Gotta go, mahn! Brah! I'll try to spread that around El Chico!

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Hey, kids. Want some candy?

April 19, 1993

Well, it's Monday again already! Whew! Friday was crazy. I got off El Chico about 10:30pm. I made close to $60 so I bellied-up at the bar and had a couple. My friend Leah, the hostess, was supposed to meet up with this guy from Jox and go out, but she decided she didn't want to go, so we decided to go have a couple at Shug's. First we bought Smitty some wine coolers. He's 17 or 18, and I remember back in the day when I couldn't get anything, so it wasn't really out of my way. Leah and I went to Shug's and then Cajun's. We stayed until it closed and then she talked me into going to Discovery, which I didn't know was a gay bar. It was so weird, but I was drunk. We had a really good time and wound up leaving about 3:30am. We saw Ken, a depledge from Fayetteville. I had a flat tire out in the parking lot, but luckily I had my pump in the trunk! I called Lady, but I can't really remember what I said.

I felt crappy the next morning, but I got up and Leah and her kids and I went to the zoo all day. Her kids are funny. We went to the little amusement park afterward and that's when I started feeling nauseous. Then I went to work with an ‘I don't give a shit attitude.’ Before that, though, we all went to McDonalds where a weird old man propositioned Leah's kids while she was in the bathroom. Weird stuff.

I didn't make much money that nite, but I went home and went straight to sleep. Sunday, I didn't try too hard either. Leah, Scot (a ZAP) and I went to Backyard Burger during our break. We were really busy! I traded for precloser with Jeff as a favor. I hated it, but I got like 7 hours overtime. That's some serious cash!

Today, I did the Disney thing. I had to take some test on the computer. I passed, eh! Just not the JBS Check part. Oh well. I work tomorrow too. Guess I'd better write some letters and get to bed!

Six Flags is what you wish the world could be...

April 14, 1993

Man, has it been a long day! Ok, my Seinfeld tickets are for the 3rd, but who's keeping track?! I had to work at Disney today from 7am-3pm. We had a sale today so I had to go in early and mark-down prices for hours on end. I didn't really like it. I'm not sure how much I like that job anymore. It's a lot of grunge work, but I need it if I am going to have a career with Walt Disney World. Agggh! El Chico gives me the money, but it wears me out. I'm always tired after I get home. I don't mind waiting tables, it's just the cleaning up afterwards that I hate. Aggggh!

Soon Lady will graduate and I'm going to take her to Dallas. I got a Mickey Mouse sweatshirt today and some more pencils toppers. I sent my resume to both Disney World and Six Flags. I hope something turns up. My diplomas are supposed to be framed and ready on the 27th, so that's about 14 days. I also ordered a Jerky Boys T-Shirt so that should be in a couple of weeks.
It's rainy and chilly today. I'm ready to move out of my house and get on with my life. At least start my life. For some reason this house symbolized being trapped. I feel like I can't begin my life until I am out of here. I still need to pay off my credit cards and then I'll be out of debt. I need new tires and I still have no insurance. It's a nutty world! But, I gotta go so...later!

You're hot to trot, you think you're slicker than grease!

April 6, 1993

Well, my God it has been since December since I've written on this thing. There is about 4 months worth of business to sum up! Anyway, I graduated and got my diploma, which is being framed as we speak, but not without the normal U of A hassle. The Dean's Office didn't think I was eligible for graduation, yet I was, so I had to go up there and bitch until I got my damn way! Anyway, three days later I got my diploma in the mail. If I wouldn't have cause a ruckus I probably would have never gotten it. My Disney diploma is also getting framed.

My friend Tudor is employed in Nashville. I haven't talked with her in awhile. I bet she loves it there. I still have no job. I'm working Monday and Wednesday at the Disney Store in Park Plaza mall. I've been there since February 2nd and I'm at El Chico the other 5 days of the week waiting tables. I've been there since mid-March. It's OK. My plans are now to apply at WDW Guest Relations as soon as I get a stable address. I have to move out in June cuz my parents will be in Wichita. My dad is already there and has been for about a week.

Bahama Mama was last weekend. It was rainy and cold and not as good as year's past, but it was OK. I dropped Lady on her birthday. We went to Spaghetti Warehouse for dinner and I got her a Tigger doll and some other crazy stuff. I'm also looking for things in the Dallas area. Lady accepted a job with Western Merchandisers for $16.8. She still has school until July so I need to get a job myself. I have the Dallas Sunday paper and I check it out every week. Something will turn up.

My room is a pit! Agggh! At least I have a computer now. It is awesome. Nothing much has happened in 4 months, I guess. My big plan is to get a job, move out and LIVE! A ha ha ha ha! How evil.

My bud Psycho is at CastleAFB in California. He gets leave in September and we're planning a road trip to Miami! Lord knows I will be up to it. I need to find a way to make more money at El Chico. I just got $19.50 today and I spent it on disks and a caddy.

I got Beastie Boys "Check Your Head" in the mail from my BMG CD club. Yes! I also have tickets for Seinfeld on June 8! I'm excited, It's so far away, but I have tickets anyway. Well, I guess that's all for now. I'll keep up a lot better now that I can type any time I want to. I sure missed my Macintosh!