May 1, 1993
Well, didn't wind up going to the Reggae thing. I'm really bored with life right now. My mom is bugging the living shit out of me. My dad bought a house in
I'm getting tired of hanging around Leah, too. I miss Lady a lot. I just always want to be with her and Leah is no substitute. She's nice and all, but she's 12 years older than I am! We just don't have much in common.
Jenny and Tommy at work just got married last night and my brother had his prom last night, too. I think he got in at like 6:00am. He went with Denise. I don't know if they are dating or not. I don't know much, these days. I know I am so ready to move out that it's almost ridiculous! My room is a shitpit and I don't care! I have no room to put anything, so I just let everything I own sit on the floor. The Disney Store is getting old, too. Well, it's May. I will move out in June. Meanwhile, I keep getting the Dallas Morning News in hopes of a want ad designed for me! Agggh! Well, I think the mailman is here and I have to take a shit. I will call Lady and see how she did on her test this morning. And I will tell her Monica Seles (the tennis player) got stabbed in the back yesterday. How queer.