Wednesday, July 7, 2010

You're hot to trot, you think you're slicker than grease!

April 6, 1993

Well, my God it has been since December since I've written on this thing. There is about 4 months worth of business to sum up! Anyway, I graduated and got my diploma, which is being framed as we speak, but not without the normal U of A hassle. The Dean's Office didn't think I was eligible for graduation, yet I was, so I had to go up there and bitch until I got my damn way! Anyway, three days later I got my diploma in the mail. If I wouldn't have cause a ruckus I probably would have never gotten it. My Disney diploma is also getting framed.

My friend Tudor is employed in Nashville. I haven't talked with her in awhile. I bet she loves it there. I still have no job. I'm working Monday and Wednesday at the Disney Store in Park Plaza mall. I've been there since February 2nd and I'm at El Chico the other 5 days of the week waiting tables. I've been there since mid-March. It's OK. My plans are now to apply at WDW Guest Relations as soon as I get a stable address. I have to move out in June cuz my parents will be in Wichita. My dad is already there and has been for about a week.

Bahama Mama was last weekend. It was rainy and cold and not as good as year's past, but it was OK. I dropped Lady on her birthday. We went to Spaghetti Warehouse for dinner and I got her a Tigger doll and some other crazy stuff. I'm also looking for things in the Dallas area. Lady accepted a job with Western Merchandisers for $16.8. She still has school until July so I need to get a job myself. I have the Dallas Sunday paper and I check it out every week. Something will turn up.

My room is a pit! Agggh! At least I have a computer now. It is awesome. Nothing much has happened in 4 months, I guess. My big plan is to get a job, move out and LIVE! A ha ha ha ha! How evil.

My bud Psycho is at CastleAFB in California. He gets leave in September and we're planning a road trip to Miami! Lord knows I will be up to it. I need to find a way to make more money at El Chico. I just got $19.50 today and I spent it on disks and a caddy.

I got Beastie Boys "Check Your Head" in the mail from my BMG CD club. Yes! I also have tickets for Seinfeld on June 8! I'm excited, It's so far away, but I have tickets anyway. Well, I guess that's all for now. I'll keep up a lot better now that I can type any time I want to. I sure missed my Macintosh!

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