April 13, 1992
Well, fuck! Man, I'm at DPS again and it is so damn hard to get on a computer. It's not like I'm doin' any schoolwork here or anything, but still! It's 12:15am so I guess it's really Tuesday. Anyway,
Anyway, today was a bit hellish. It seems more often than not I get pissed-off on Mondays, and this is no exception. My Ad Copy/Layout class was alright. We watched the evolution and creation of a SAAB commercial. I went to DPS after that and put finishing touches on my PR assignment. Cool! Then I went to Adv. PR and Dr. Miller was on this fuckin' rampage to get these PSA's out for the
After that, I dicked around most of the day. I had to miss Chapter (shucks) because I had to visit with Mr. LawyerMan (aka - Don Taylor) who informed me that I would probably be paying a nice $500 fine and about $234 in court costs, plus his retainer! Grrr! DWI's are the shits, eh?!
After that, I tried to slip into some self-depression, but it didn't work so I bought some cigars at Harp's, where I saw Alicia Staggs (I think that's her name.) Then I went to Jose's, solo, and had a Tecate and a Lite draft. It's no fun drinkin' by yourself, but it was somethin' I had to do!
I haven't paid my housebill for this month, I skipped house cleanup last night. Ok! I'm getting ready to go off on a plethora of verbal assaults about that fuckin' house! There's more to life than Sunday night cleanup. I have shit to do! The social reprobates at the house can clean shitters and stairwells all night if they want. Fuck 'em! I'm not doing it again and I'm not paying the fine or doing the time! I think maybe the DWI is a bit more important right now! I can't forget to pay my phone bill or my Texaco bill either. Then someone had the gall to say I can't park in the back lot anymore because of my grades. What ignorant asswipes. It's not like I haven't lived in the house for 3 years or anything! Grrr!