April 7, 1992
Yipee! I'm done with my Graphics lab now. It looks really good, I think. I'm in DPS now typing this now. It's a very shitty day outside. Drizzly. Rainy! Grr.
Yipee! I'm done with my Graphics lab now. It looks really good, I think. I'm in DPS now typing this now. It's a very shitty day outside. Drizzly. Rainy! Grr.
Well, I won all sorts of neat stuff at the CBS thing yesterday. I got a Family Feud game and I met some cool people. Anyway, after Chapter and Formal Association, I went and picked up Snaggletooth and Lady and we went to My Pleasure to watch the Michigan/Duke game. Duke won the NCAA Championship... again! I had a great time with Lady. We met this guy from the CBS team and he was from New York. I learned some cool phrases like "Johnny", "Stupe" and "Willy." Pretty fun. I spent $30! I'm not in any position to spend cash like that at all! Well, we wound up dropping Snaggletooth off at the Ramada Inn with her new "friend" and I took Lady home. I got to smooch again! It was a great smooch! I give it an A all the way, baby! (I kinda sound like Dick Vitale!)
So anyway, the cook made Mexican for lunch and I am feeling it hard-core. I gotta go back to the house now and finish up the final details of my Graphics. It's 12:45pm now and I'm a bit tired. I go see my lawyer today at 4:00pm, so I'm a bit nervous. Well, like I said... See ya! Wouldn't wanna be ya!
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