March 31, 1992
Well, what's on tap for today?! I went to the Walt Disney World orientation last night. it was very informative. I was very excited about the whole thing. We had a Greek Week cookout with the Kappa's. I couldn't go, dammit!
Anyway, today is D-Young's birthday and a few of us are going to go to Jose's to celebrate! Yesterday was very tense. I had a redo lab for Graphics to finish, Harry had the gall to call me a bitch about his grade for Ad Copy/Layout. Tough shit! Do the work, make the grade! Anyway, I'm happy with my 98% so blow me!
Lady and I talked a few times last night. I asked her out for Thursday so she'd better go... she'd better! Whee! She asked me to go get a coke last night but I said no because I was in a foul mood! The Oscar's were also on last night. Silence of the Lambs got best picture, best actress and best actor. How cool! I'm glad Beauty and the Beast didn't get anything.
Cool Royace and his lovely (not) girlfriend, Blake, got in a little squabble last night. It turned out in him calling her a bitch! Whee!
My interview was today. I was a bit nervous, but I think I did OK. I really, really want that job! I'm glad it's over though. I was quite tense about it. Now I basically have a free week, except for my PSA for AD C/L Lab. Again, I skipped OB. I wonder if I'm still on the roll?!
I got a haircut yesterday. It's just soo awesome! I'm gettin' ready to go to Deb's office and buy a Greek Week shirt! Oh joy of joys! I heard they're pretty ugly. Well, gotta run. Lot's of stuff to do today! I'll see if I can't find some time to enter more later. Tomorrow is April Fool's Day! Whee! Heh-heh. Oh, tomorrow is El Chico's with my Adv. PR class! Yipee! Byeness!
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