Monday 4-6-92:
Whee! Well, it's Monday again already! I did have a great weekend though. It all began on Thursday. I picked up Lady about 7:45pm and we went to Coy's for a quick drink! She made me laugh and I wound up spitting my White Russian all over the table. Grr! No manners for me whatsoever. Anyway, she thought it was funny! She looked really good, too. I don't know what it was but she looked extremely good that night. Again, it may have just been me! Anyway, we watched a little 90210 at Coy's and then we went to The Oasis and watched the comedians. One comic just kept bustin' on me for saying "That's not right!" when he made ludicrously rude jokes. I bought Lady a lot of drinks and we had a great time. Then we went out to the place with the Easter Bunny murders at Fox Run, and then we went out to Lake Wedington where we do part of our initiation. We spent a lot of time just getting to know each other. I think she's pretty cool, I mean who else is gonna let you spit out your drink at the table and then still talk to you?! She's funny, witty, smart and crazy. I don't know. I have this problem of falling hard for a lot of the girls that I go out with, but I think I really like Lady. She's a true sweetheart.
Whee! Well, it's Monday again already! I did have a great weekend though. It all began on Thursday. I picked up Lady about 7:45pm and we went to Coy's for a quick drink! She made me laugh and I wound up spitting my White Russian all over the table. Grr! No manners for me whatsoever. Anyway, she thought it was funny! She looked really good, too. I don't know what it was but she looked extremely good that night. Again, it may have just been me! Anyway, we watched a little 90210 at Coy's and then we went to The Oasis and watched the comedians. One comic just kept bustin' on me for saying "That's not right!" when he made ludicrously rude jokes. I bought Lady a lot of drinks and we had a great time. Then we went out to the place with the Easter Bunny murders at Fox Run, and then we went out to Lake Wedington where we do part of our initiation. We spent a lot of time just getting to know each other. I think she's pretty cool, I mean who else is gonna let you spit out your drink at the table and then still talk to you?! She's funny, witty, smart and crazy. I don't know. I have this problem of falling hard for a lot of the girls that I go out with, but I think I really like Lady. She's a true sweetheart.
Anyway, at about 2:00am we called it a night after touring Bell Engineering Center. I even got to kiss her goodnight! Cool! Excellent! Party on!
So, on Friday morning I packed my shit, bought some beer and headed out to Stillwater to see Opie at OSU. It was different and I need the getaway! I ran through a tollbooth without paying because I didn't have the funds. Too bad, Oklahoma! Come and get me!
The Lambda Chi BAHAMAMAMA there was alright. I wound up just getting really drunk and meeting people. Opie passed out and threw up all over himself by 10:00pm. I came home early on Saturday and went to Springfest with Opinionated, Natalie and Danielle and DMac, Rob and Craig. It was good to be out in the sun. We stopped in Jose's for a few beers and almost got in a scrap with these prepubescent niggers. Oh well!
Then we came back to the house!
That night I went out with those three girls. We went to Antonio's and then to my room and to Tremors. They were pretty shitty. I didn't mind driving because I'm about to lose my license anyway! Grr.
On Sunday, I didn't do much. It was daylight savings time so I lost an hour of the day I would have pissed away anyway. I went to Opinionated's and Harry and I worked on a project for the Walton Arts Center. Snaggletooth came over to type a paper and then Lady came over to just hang out. Opinionated was getting mad because Lady and Snaggletooth were being too loud. I didn't mind. It was Lady, dammit!
Anyway, today I have to go check on the Bahama Mama shirts and cups and work on my Graphics project. It will be a busy day. Plus, Lady asked me to go watch the basketball game with her and Snaggletooth tonight. Whee!
So anyway, I may have to skip out on Formal Association tonight. Aw shukey-darn-darns. Fight Night is over and we didn't make it to the finals. Oh well. Well, at 11:00am, CBS has a setup over at the Union and I think they are givin' away free stuff or something so I am going to stop by there before I go back to the house for lunch. That's all for now kids! Later!
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