April 27, 1992
Alright! Now it’s Monday once again and I’m as happy as a little girl.
I worked on my PR project all day Saturday and I got it all laid out and took it to Kinko’s and got it copied and colored and it looks really good. I am proud of it and I hope I get an A. It deserves an A at least!
Anyway, then on Saturday night I called up Lady and invited her over to watch “Saturday Night Live.” The Open Channel had live call-ins on the “Lance & Skippy Show” so Pasty and I took turns prank calling them. Man, it sure is fun! I got on like 7 or 8 times. I couldn’t stop laughing! Anyway, Lady came over and we watched SNL and somehow she convinced me to go see The Cutting Edge with her. Oh, she really had to twist my arm on that one! It was a pretty decent flick! She dropped me off and that was it. On Sunday we went to her sorority awards banquet. We dressed up and had dinner at the Hilton. I just had a good time being with her. Then we went to Muley’s and had a couple of drinks together. We talked and stuff. She really is a cool girl. Then she brought me back to the house and I kissed her goodnight. I liked it! Man, did I like it. She even bought me a present. She went to the Disney store in Little Rock and got me a mug and a little Mickey Mouse character. I was really impressed. She’s a romantic, even if she is a little self-insecure-wanna-break-out. There we go with the hyphenated words again. I’m gonna miss her this summer. Anyway, I called her after house duties and asked her to brunch on Sunday at LJ’s for Mimosa’s. She’s just precious! Oooh! I have to stop thinking about her, but I can’t. But what about Janice?! That whole thing reeks.
So, today I have to get busy on my Ad Copy/Layout project for TAB. I have to come up with a slogan and a way to reach my target audience effectively. Well, I guess I’ll go grab some killer tunes and then go work on my project all day. I really could use a Tab. I think I’ll call Opinionated for a ride, or let some poor schlep at the house take me to the bank and to Harp’s! I guess I could pay on my DWI as well!
Later on, world!
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