I'm Puddy.
These ponderings traverse 16 years of reflection. All stories are true and names have been changed to protect the retarded. Any similarities to persons living or pushing daises is purely intentional.
Man, I just got back from seein' Jurassic Park, and it was scary!Damn!It was worth $11!! Lady and I went cuz I got off work early.I only made like $30 for the entire day.Oh well, that's the same as a 7 hour shift at Disney.I still haven't heard back from the Western Merch. chick and it's already Sunday. Lady got me an answering machine so maybe I won't miss her call.I have a letter with $.23 due on it at the post office.Damn!I wonder what it is?!I guess I'll pick it up before work tomorrow.I'm supposed to go pick up some crap from the house tomorrow.My mom is moving to Wichita with everyone else and I'll be here all alone.How sad.Well, gotta type up my schedule for next week.I have but $160 towards next month's rent.So, I guess I'm $190 shy of that...$100 shy of electricity...and $50 shy of the phone!So, I'm in debt $440.Ungadooha!
GARSH!I made just enough money this morning to go get my tags at the revenue office!Whew!I got a safety inspection and that was the highlight.I saw Tim Ross at Wal-Mart when I dropped off some film from Six Flags.It rained pretty tough about 5pm.I bought New Order's CD Republic today at Hasting's for $11.99.Soon, if I get this Western Merch. job, I can get 40% off Hasting's stuff.I went to Lady's for dinner.We watched a little TV and then I had an El Chico meeting at 10:15pm.It just got over at midnight and Lady was supposed to call about 11:30 or so.I was also supposed to go by my house and pick up some stuff, but time didn't allow.I work tomorrow at 11:30am so I need to make some cash!I think I have about $25 in hand and I need more for rent and stuff!I need to save.Well, it's after 1:00am.Time for bed.Duran Duran is supposedly coming to Dallas August 1st.I want to go.Later!
Christ, it's been awhile!Well, time for a wrap-up!I went to my brother's graduation.I moved into my apartment on the 2nd of June and I'm all moved in with my new cordless phone and a little food.I went to an El Chico party a few nights ago.I got really drunk and puked and felt shitty the next day, as usual when I get smashed.
Lady and I went to Dallas last weekend and spent time at Six Flags and at the malls.I think I'd like to live there.My allergies got the best of me and I got really stuffy in the head so we couldn't go to Wet N' Wild and ride the Bubba Tub!Anyway, I needed the break from El Chico and Disney.I had an interview with Western Merchandisers the other day.I hope I get it!Man, I'm writing very blandly!I guess it's because I'm not happy.I miss Walt Disney World and all my friends.The Disney Store doesn't cut it.We just got a new store manager.She's good, but I still don't like Tim, the asst. manager.He's queer and weird.I like El Chico more because the people have better personalities and are more "real".Plus I get more money. I sure need it!
I saw Jerry Seinfeld the other day.It was really good.I laughed forever.If I get this Western Merch. job, I will start writing again.I just want to stop watching life go by and start participating, ya know?!I miss Laura in Nashville especially.I need to go visit soon.Caroline says she's going to Orlando in a month.I would LOOOVVE to go.But it all depends on this job thing!Damn!I need freedom.Why can't I be independently wealthy!?Oh well.
I open El Chico tomorrow at 10:15am so I best be gettin' to bed, my friend.The Bulls beat the Suns tonite.It may be a three-pat.Lady's parents and my mom and brother came over tonite for spaghetti and conversation.It was the first time they've met.It wasn't so bad.Well, gotta blow!
Yeah, it's Friday!Well, I got my DM singles.$36!Damn!I also put my deposit down on my apartment.Let's see... I have $800 in the bank.Rent is $350, so that's $450 left.I have about $100 in bills... that's $350 left.Electricity deposit is $150... that's $200 left.SHIT!I'm gonna be broke.I have got to save every penny I make in the next week.Ok, I have $25 in hand, plus $85 in coins.That's $110 and that's it!Thank God for my credit card.Whee!
Well, I got a meeting set up for Monday morning with this lady, Carol Davis, of Holmes, Davis and Hoffman PR.It should get me somewhere!I have to be really excited!I am!If this doesn't work for me, I'm calling Western Merchandisers.If that doesn't work, it's off to Disney!Whee!
I move in to my apartment on the 2nd.My brother graduates on the 1st.Yowza!I've been packing a bit, but to not much avail.I have about 10 days before I go.I want to be moved in before I go off to Dallas.What a trip we will have!I have a check waiting for me at Disney, and I get paid this Tuesday at El Chico.So I will have 3 Disney checks waiting for me at about $45 each before Dallas.Also, I have to get a VCR and phone for my apartment.How broke can I possibly be.It's fun to complain about being broke.
The last Cheers was on last night.It was pretty good.I think everyone in America watched it.El Chico got this new Zima clear malt liquor drink.I hate it, but it's a fad so people buy it.I got back to the hole in an hour.We have no food in the house so I may go buy something.No, gotta save the cash!Oh bother.This is suckin!I have tomorrow afternoon off, so I think I'm going to go to Otter Creek and lay out with my sweetie.See ya!The last Saved by the Bell is on tomorrow night.I'd better record it!
Well, I've skipped a few days again. I guess that's because nothing really exciting has happened. Anyway, after weeks of looking, I have an apartment picked out at Riverdale. It's about a block from the Arkansas River and it's the only complex I could find that would give me a month to month lease. It's $350 a month, plus a little $150 deposit! Yes. I think I'm going to move in on June 2nd. It depends on when my brother's graduation is... I'll go find out. Ok, it's on the 1st, so I'll move on Wednesday the 2nd. It's settled.
I got off the phone with a lady that works for my dad. She's going to try and get me hooked up with a PR firm down here. How exciting. I'm going to try really hard to land something before I have to call Western Merchandisers. (The people call me naive... I believe -- Dee-Lite)
I just got a Dee-Lite CD and a Red Hot Chili Peppers CD in the mail from my CD club. Yeah. The UA graduation was on the 8th. I saw Lady and some other of my friends graduate. My name was in the commencement program. Whee! Anyway, Opinionated has moved back here too with her degree. She got a job yesterday at El Chico with me. We'll have so much fun.
Damn, I'm ready to get out of this house. My mom keeps showing it to prospective renters. I just want to bail. I hate them always looking in my room and at my stuff and waking me up. Agggh! I want to move today. I'll move on the 2nd, go to Jerry Seinfeld on the 3rd, Lady and I leave for Dallas on the 4th and come back on the 6th. We're going to Six Flags and Wet N' Wild and stuff like that. Maybe I can get a job lead while I'm down there. Ya never know.
Chuck got fired from Disney yesterday for being tardy again. Ha ha! How embarrassing. Anyway, I work Disney today from 2-6pm and then I'm going to the Comedy Store with Lady at 8pm or something. We don't have the specifics yet. Opintionated, Karen, Lady and I went to Shug's last night after I got off work. We had a couple of pitchers, and then I came home to watch my evening Speed Racer. This morning I am going to buy some DM CD singles at Hastings. It's like $30, I think. Oh well. That's all the news I have for now, eh! Hasta!
Yeah! Well, I made over $50 today at El Chico. That place is really stressing me out. I dream about the place and they are stressful dreams, no less. I need to get a real job. My sweetie graduates in 4 days. I can't wait to see her. I work Disney tomorrow. 10-4pm, I think. I'm really not in the mood for it at all. But, I guess I should just get used to it. My back hurts so bad. It's just strained from lifting so much all day long. It was a nice warm day, at least. The high was in the 80s. Leah and I went to Shugs and Discovery the other night. We drove all the way to Cabot so she could get her ID. It was one of those nights where I spent too much money effortlessly. I saw Sloane and Deanne sumpthin. She was an AD Pi at school. I can't remember he last name. Oh, well. I'm trying to find a way to get off early on Friday so I can zoom up to Fayetteville. Lady and I are getting a room in Siloam Springs. There's just nothing in Fayetteville, I assume. I can't wait to see her. My mom's bugging my brother and I. He's ready to get school, I'm ready to move out and she needs to get to Wichita and get on with it! The highlight on the news is artificial bladders. How stupid. Some guy name Conan O'Brian has been named to replace David Letterman on Late Night. Oh well. I need to write Lady a letter so here I go. Laterness.
Well,didn't wind up going to the Reggae thing.I'm really bored with life right now.My mom is bugging the living shit out of me.My dad bought a house in Wichita and she's freaking out.She always asks me if something’s wrong.Hell yes, something's wrong.I live at home, I'm 22 and I work as a peon in a Mexican restaurant.I didn't go to college 4 years for this!I guess I'm just waiting for Lady to finish school so we can get married or sumpthin'!I don't know what I'm doing.I'm scared if I do what I want to do, which is work for Disney, she'll leave me cuz she hates long distance... even for a short time.My dad is still trying to wing me a job through one of his employees.I hope it works. If not, I still would like to move down to Orlando and get a job doing something.Even if it is just a monorail job.I just always hoped for something better.
I'm getting tired of hanging around Leah, too.I miss Lady a lot.I just always want to be with her and Leah is no substitute.She's nice and all, but she's 12 years older than I am!We just don't have much in common.
Jenny and Tommy at work just got married last night and my brother had his prom last night, too.I think he got in at like 6:00am.He went with Denise.I don't know if they are dating or not.I don't know much, these days.I know I am so ready to move out that it's almost ridiculous!My room is a shitpit and I don't care!I have no room to put anything, so I just let everything I own sit on the floor.The Disney Store is getting old, too.Well, it's May.I will move out in June.Meanwhile, I keep getting the Dallas Morning News in hopes of a want ad designed for me!Agggh!Well, I think the mailman is here and I have to take a shit.I will call Lady and see how she did on her test this morning.And I will tell her Monica Seles (the tennis player) got stabbed in the back yesterday.How queer.
Oh well, here it is Wednesday again! I worked at Disney all morning and all afternoon, and then it was on to El Chico for the infamous enchilada night. It sucked, but I got $40 in tips.
Anyway, after Disney, about 5:15pm, I saw a black woman running from two white guys. She was stealing something, a purse, I think. They tackled her and then some dopey security guard came along to assist. I left. No witness forms for me to fill out, by Jove! I got to El Chico and Jason the new server didn't show up so I had to take his tables. I was slammed! Anyway, my manager Robin, got pissed cuz I couldn't pre-bus my tables. Sooorrrryyyy!
CAS came into the Disney Store and into El Chico today. I haven't seen her in a few weeks. It's good to know people exist outside of my work environment.
Well, Lady and I are arguing. She's going to one of my frat parties with Roy. She doesn't understand why I am upset. Well, tough titty for her. I pulled out my bottle of Crown and now I'm listening to my Disney CD's and typing away as I anxiously await Speed Racer at 12:00am. Tonite is the exciting conclusion of The Most Dangerous Race. How thrilling. Studs is on in a few; I think I'll pass.
Well, that's all I have to say. I think Leah and I are going to try to catch the Reggae night out at BJ's on Sunday. I want to go the U2 laser thing at UALR, but I'm always working. Grrr! But the cash is rolling in! Gotta go, mahn! Brah! I'll try to spread that around El Chico!
Well, it's Monday again already!Whew!Friday was crazy.I got off El Chico about 10:30pm.I made close to $60 so I bellied-up at the bar and had a couple.My friend Leah, the hostess, was supposed to meet up with this guy from Jox and go out, but she decided she didn't want to go, so we decided to go have a couple at Shug's.First we bought Smitty some wine coolers.He's 17 or 18, and I remember back in the day when I couldn't get anything, so it wasn't really out of my way.Leah and I went to Shug's and then Cajun's.We stayed until it closed and then she talked me into going to Discovery, which I didn't know was a gay bar.It was so weird, but I was drunk.We had a really good time and wound up leaving about 3:30am.We saw Ken, a depledge from Fayetteville.I had a flat tire out in the parking lot, but luckily I had my pump in the trunk!I called Lady, but I can't really remember what I said.
I felt crappy the next morning, but I got up and Leah and her kids and I went to the zoo all day.Her kids are funny.We went to the little amusement park afterward and that's when I started feeling nauseous.Then I went to work with an ‘I don't give a shit attitude.’Before that, though, we all went to McDonalds where a weird old man propositioned Leah's kids while she was in the bathroom.Weird stuff.
I didn't make much money that nite, but I went home and went straight to sleep.Sunday, I didn't try too hard either.Leah, Scot(a ZAP) and I went to Backyard Burger during our break.We were really busy!I traded for precloser with Jeff as a favor.I hated it, but I got like 7 hours overtime.That's some serious cash!
Today, I did the Disney thing.I had to take some test on the computer.I passed, eh!Just not the JBS Check part.Oh well.I work tomorrow too.Guess I'd better write some letters and get to bed!